Product Compliance Safety Testing - LTG Services, Inc. can help you get certified by UL,CUL,CSA,CE,FCC,and VCCI
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If you are wondering what type of radio frequency testing is needed for your product, take a look at the information below to help clarify what type of testing you need- or, if you even need testing.

All electronic devices (unintentional radiators) that contain clocks/ oscillators, which operate at a frequency of 9 kHz, must be tested under FCC part 25 Subpart B, radio frequency rules and regulations. The FCC has broken down Part 15 into two categories, Class A and Class B.

Class A Device
A device that is marketed for use in an industrial application and is not intended for use in the home or residential area.

Class B Device
A device that is marketed for use in the home or a residential area by the customer.

Class B Verification Class B verification is for devices that are marketed for in home use but not permanently connected to a personal computer. It is recommended that testing be performed at an Open Area Test Site. Upon approval, the laboratory prepares a report and you keep a copy on file.

Class B Certification

Class B Certification is for personal computing devices or peripherals that are marked for residential use. This process is more time consuming because after the laboratory prepares a report, it is sent to the FCC for review before your chosen FCC ID is granted and added to their list of approved products. Typical application delay at the FCC is 30 days. Under the new procedures for DoC/Self Declaration there is no longer a need to submit/certify computing devices and peripherals with the FCC.

LTG utilizes competent and experienced FCC approved laboratories to perform DoC procedure testing. Testing time is available, so call now.


The FCC has set upper measurement ranges of devices, based upon the highest operating frequency used in the product.

CFR Title 47, Section 15.33L:
Measurement Ranges
Operating Frequency in the EUT
9 kHZ -1.706 MHz
1.706 MHz- 108 MHz
108 MHz-500 MHz
500 MHz- 1000MHz

Upper Measurement Range
30 MHz
1000 MHz
2000 MHz
5000 MHz
5th Harmonic of the highest operating frequency or 40 GHz

Please feel free to contact LTG company representatives if you have any questions or concerns:

Patty Barron:
Phone: (770) 552-0553
Fax: (770) 552-1120
Amy Barron:
Phone: (770) 552-0553
Fax: (770) 552-1120

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